The Top of the Bottom of the Multiverse: Behind the Screen
This was an in-person megasession spread over 2 days. A dream come true. Planar Rules, Zero Gravity Combat, and Other Basics Spells do maximum damage. Healing spells heal minimum HP. Air, Fire, and Wild Magic spells are diminished, dealing one fewer damage die. Maximum spell level or such spells is 4th. Spells that access the Astral and Outer Planes fail. Matter created here crumbles to nothingness in 1 round. This is basically a space station. Space horror ambient music worked well. Random encounter rules/table for the dungeon. For zero-gravity combat in the guardrooms, I simplified a 30ft spherical room to 3 circles: lower and upper parts of the sphere, both 20ft in diameter; and a central area 30ft in diameter. 3 simple circular maps, with an X marking the centre line. Squares above/below each other are counted as 5ft apart. It worked well enough for the players. I also appropriated Newton’s Third Law, ruling that shoving things also moved the shover backwards. Could a cr...