No Holds Bard: Campaign Diary

 Arriving back in Sigil, our heroes were quickly ushered out of what initially looked to be some kind of cross between a barn and a menagerie. The sign outside revealed the truth (Maven’s Meats: Extraplanar, extra delicious!). The characters’ senses were quickly overwhelmed by the food stalls of the Market Ward at dinner time. Crowds, stalls, smells, smoke, sedans on the street, creatures flying overhead: Sigil hadn’t changed at all. Ragados headed to the nearest kebab stall (Arborean Boar with honey sauce), while 12-Bar opted for an Abyssal slug burger served by an ant-like humanoid. M’narr followed his nose and picked up two barrels of pipeweed: one barrel of Prime blend, and a barrel of Limbo weed (the smoke changes shape according to the smoker’s will, the Halfling salesman claimed). It was good to be home.

The trio wound their way back slowly to Crystaldew Lane. Despite their lengthy absence, no eyebrows were raised as they walked back through the downstairs restaurant to get to their apartment. Characters were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows (or desk, in M’narr’s case).

The next morning, the party awoke to find their house’d been vandalised in the night. Fucking Sigil. A nearby tiefling with a ladder and bucket tried to offer his cleaning services, but M’narr did it himself. Mercy turned up to work and had her beauty restored, but was more interested in whether or not the party had killed all the khaasta.

After that, the heroes each took some time to work on their own projects and goals, and to show their faces at their own faction headquarters. M’narr bumped into Jason Scott, who asked his help to recruit a fellow wizard into the Guvners. Jason also shared chant on some gods said to have been put in the dead book recently. 12-Bar found that an aasimar going by the name Alphonse the Golden had claimed ownership of his song. Ragados got back on the Harmonium beat and witnessed some shocking police brutality against an Indep.


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